
I first picked up a camera in my early teens. Living nearby an US Air Force Europe airbase, a subject was found soon. I've spent quite some years photographing military aircraft and I still do this occasionally. When I became more interested in the craft of photography, I started shooting other subjects as well, mainly landscapes. Following a few courses at our local community center brought a technical impulse to my work. The major step forward, however, was ignited by following workshops led by seasoned professional photographers and, even more, with embarking on an exciting photographic trip to the Lofoten islands in Norway. On this trip, all pieces fell into place. I found my signature there, or did it find me? Anyway, a number of other photographic travels followed in which I learned from the greatest photographers. Soon I began to organize our family holidays around photographic interesting landmarks and I have built up a significant portfolio, from which a small selection is shared on this website. Landscapes and waterscapes are still my main topics and I try to limit myself to this in order to keep focus. In recent years I have picked up a medium format analog camera and started experimenting with it. This system forces me to consider my compositions even more before I release the shutter and I am convinced that this type of slow photography brings out the best in me creatively. I have found that photography enables me to express myself, which is quite special for an introvert. I also believe that the images created reflect your personality. Since I like peace, quietness and structure, my images depict that. I still learn every day about photography and feel privileged for the fact that I have obtained an audience that makes the effort to follow and support my work. I hope to be able to continue this forever.


In 2021 I have been interviewed by Mark de Rooij from Mark de Rooij Fotografie about my photographic work, mainly focussing on my b&w long exposure work. This interview (sorry, only in Dutch) is now available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiTs9p9wrBs&t=151s

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All contents of this website, including all images, pictures, trademarks, text, graphics and information are owned by Frank Hoogeboom Photography and protected with copyright. Copying or reproducing (parts of) this website in any form is prohibited.



